Strawberry Kueh lapis sagu/九层糕

Kids had been asking for kueh lapis sagu. Finally made it for them on Friday. 😊 we always did it with coloring. 🙈but this time we tried using natural colorings with strawberry powder, blue pea flower powder and pumpkin powder.

Pumpkin and blue pea flower has almost no taste. But…. Strawberry tasted strong! so it’s a bit sour but we kinda like it. 😅 if you have some strawberry powder at home. You may want to try it out ☺️

Need a heatproof dish of about 850ml capacity. I used a Pyrex glass food container.

Water 265g
Castor sugar 170g (will try reducing to 140g next try)
Pandan leaves 4 pieces
Salt 1/8 tsp
Tapioca Flour 115g
Rice flour 85g
Coconut milk 265ml
Coconut oil 1tsp to grease the bowl

1/2tbsp of pumpkin powder
1/2tbsp of strawberry powder
1/4tbsp of blue pea flower powder (I used 1/2tbsp and I feel it’s too much!)


  1. Add water, sugar, Pandan leaves and salt in saucepan , bring to boil and lower the heat. Simmer for 5 mins. Remove from heat and set aside to cool
  2. Grease a heatproof bowl of 850ml capacity with coconut oil and prepare steamer.
  3. Add coconut milk and flour into cooled sugar mixture. Sieve through and divide into 3 bowls with strawberry powder, pumpkin powder and blue pea flower powder. Mix well.
  4. Sieve it again if it’s lumpy.
  5. Steam the greased bowl for 5 mins.
  6. Ladle a thin layer of the mixture (one color at a time) into the steamed bowl. Cover and steam for 5 mins. Repeat layer by layer until all mixture is used up. Steamed for 15 minutes after last layer. (I only get 8 layers this time 😅)
  7. Remove from heat and let it cool before cutting. (I cut with thin plastic spatula. If using metal knife, it’s better to wrap with cling wrap to avoid the kueh from sticking to the knife.)


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