[Thermomix] Vegan Chocolate Marble Bagel

First made this yummy bagel last May using stand mixer. 😬 trying the recipe again this time with Thermomix.
This dough is not very sticky so it works well with thermomix and thermomix can actually knead much faster than stand mixer 💃

Adapted the recipe from @makopantail ‘s blog.

Definitely gonna make this again! The ingredients are simple, Low sugar and zero oil. Very nice to have it with our coffee too. 😋

Ingredients (makes 5 bagels):

Bread flour 300g
Sugar 15g
Instant yeast 3g
Salt 5g
Water 165g

Cocoa paste:
Cocoa powder 2 tbsp
Water 2 tbsp

Chocolate chip

For cooking the shaped bagel : 1 big pan of boiling water and 1tbsp sugar


  1. Combine all ingredients in thermomix mixing bowl and knead for 2mins30seconds
  2. In a small bowl, combine the cocoa powder and water to make a Cocoa paste
  3. Take out half of the kneaded dough out from mixing bowl (total dough is 490g so remove about 250g) and add cocoa paste to the remaining dough. Knead 1min till well combined.
  4. Shape both plain and chocolate dough to round balls and proof in separate bowls till almost doubled (about 1 hour)
  5. On a pastry mat, degas and knead briefly. Divide each dough into 5 small pieces (about 50g per dough). Bench rest for 20 minutes.
  6. Shaping the bagel: Use a rolling pin to roll out two small doughs (one plain and one chocolate) to an elongated oval of about 20x40cm , flip it over so the smooth size is facing down. Stack the two dough up , sprinkle some chocolate chips and start rolling it lengthwise. Pinch well to seal the seam. Use a rolling pin to flatten one end of the dough. Wrap the flatten end on the other end to form a circle. Pinch to seal tightly. Repeat for the other 4 bagels. Place the shaped dough on small square pavement paper about 10x10cm
  7. Proof for 30 mins. Preheat oven to 190deg cel. Prepare a big sauce pan with boiling water and sugar.
  8. Put the dough into boiling water (turn down the heat to simmering) , cook the dough 30 seconds each side. Place then on cooling rack to dry for 1 minute.
  9. Place them back on baking tray and bake at preheated oven 190deg for 20-25minutes.


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